Electroplating is a process of depositing a thin layer of metal on another material by means of electricity.  Usually this involves the target part to be plated and a donor piece of the type of metal to be plated with connected to the positive and negative sides of an electric power supply.  The pieces are then immersed in a special electrolyte solution and the power supply produces an electric current flowing through and between the pieces which cause the metal to dissolve from the donor piece and flow through the electrolyte then reattach onto the target part.

Different uses of electroplating: 

  • Building the thickness of a metal surface
  • Increasing wear resistance 
  • Improving electrical conductivity
  • Preparing surfaces for enhanced adhesion prior to painting or e-coating
  • Reducing friction
  • Protecting against surface abrasions
  • Improving surface uniformity

Most commonly used metals: 

  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Palladium